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Joined: 10 Sep 2006 Posts: 105 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 1:40 pm Post subject: Basic query about plotting |
Hello all,
I would like to plot the output from the following program but not sure on the best methodology. Looking to plot(real_part, imaginary_part) to get the orbit plot:
Code: |
program Riemann_Zeta
integer, parameter :: k = 10001
integer, allocatable :: t(:)
real, allocatable :: vec(:)
integer i, j, n
real real_part(k), imaginary_part(k), start, finish, a, inc
complex s(k)
call clock@(start)
t=(/0, (i,i=1,k)/)
a = 0. ! initial value
inc = 0.01 ! increment value
n = 10001 ! number of values
vec = [(a + (i-1) * inc, i=1,n)] ! array constructor
do j = 1, k
s(j) = cmplx(0.5,vec(j)) ! Generate array of complex numbers (0-100)
end do
real_part = real(zeta_3(s,1000))
imaginary_part = aimag(zeta_3(s,1000))
!do i = 1, k
write(25,'(f15.12,",",f15.12)') (real_part(i), imaginary_part(i), i=1,k) ! write data to csv file
!end do
call clock@(finish)
print *, zeta_3(cmplx(0.5,1.0),10000) ! complex number fixed value
print *, 'Processing time was ', finish-start, ' seconds'
elemental function zeta_3(s,n) result(zs1)
integer,allocatable :: nn(:)
integer, intent(in) :: n
complex zs1
complex, intent(in) :: s
allocate (nn(n))
nn = (/(i,i=1,n)/)
zs1 = sum((-1)**(nn + 1)/(nn**s ))
zs1 = 1/(1 - 2**( 1-s ))*zs1
end function zeta_3
end program
Any advice on the best way to plot would be most helpful.
Lester |
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Joined: 18 May 2012 Posts: 709 Location: Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:57 pm Post subject: |
Does this help? I have added a few lines to your program which allows the phase plane plot to be displayed using the %pl format code. Further details can be found searching the help file for "Native Graph Plotting"
Code: | program Riemann_Zeta
use clrwin
integer :: iw
integer, parameter :: k = 10001
integer, allocatable :: t(:)
real, allocatable :: vec(:)
integer i, j, n
real real_part(k), imaginary_part(k), start, finish, a, inc
complex s(k)
call clock@(start)
t=(/0, (i,i=1,k)/)
a = 0. ! initial value
inc = 0.01 ! increment value
n = 10001 ! number of values
vec = [(a + (i-1) * inc, i=1,n)] ! array constructor
do j = 1, k
s(j) = cmplx(0.5,vec(j)) ! Generate array of complex numbers (0-100)
end do
real_part = real(zeta_3(s,1000))
imaginary_part = aimag(zeta_3(s,1000))
write(25,'(f15.12,",",f15.12)') (real_part(i), imaginary_part(i), i=1,k) ! write data to csv file
call clock@(finish)
print *, zeta_3(cmplx(0.5,1.0),10000) ! complex number fixed value
print *, 'Processing time was ', finish-start, ' seconds'
iw = winio@('%mn[Exit]&','Exit')
iw = winio@('%fn[Consolas]%ts%bf&',1.5d0)
call winop@('%pl[native,x_array,frame,gridlines,width=2,link=curves,colour=blue]')
call winop@('%pl[xaxis="Re(z)",yaxis="Im(z)"]')
call winop@('%pl[Title="Orbit plot"]')
iw = winio@('%pl&',800,800,k,dble(real_part),dble(imaginary_part))
iw = winio@('')
elemental function zeta_3(s,n) result(zs1)
integer,allocatable :: nn(:)
integer, intent(in) :: n
complex zs1
complex, intent(in) :: s
allocate (nn(n))
nn = (/(i,i=1,n)/)
zs1 = sum((-1)**(nn + 1)/(nn**s ))
zs1 = 1/(1 - 2**( 1-s ))*zs1
end function zeta_3
end program |
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Joined: 10 Sep 2006 Posts: 105 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:23 pm Post subject: |
Many thanks Kenneth! That worked fine with the Clearwin usage. Will have to study that more.
Haven't had a thorough look yet, but can the plot be easily saved or exported to an image file?
Lester |
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Joined: 18 May 2012 Posts: 709 Location: Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:55 pm Post subject: |
Yes, the plot can be exported to the clipboard via the function GRAPHICS_TO_CLIPBOARD@ and thereafter "pasted" in to a word document, or the function EXPORT_IMAGE@ can used used to save the image to a graphics file (such as .jpeg format). |
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Joined: 10 Sep 2006 Posts: 105 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 9:46 am Post subject: |
Hi Kenneth,
Thanks for the pointer, not sure how to get the syntax working. Just adding export_image@(Riemann1.jpg') just makes a blank image file?
Code: |
iw = winio@('%mn[Exit]&','Exit')
iw = winio@('%fn[Consolas]%ts%bf&',1.5d0)
call winop@('%pl[native,x_array,frame,gridlines,width=1.5,link=curves,colour=red,colour=blue]')
call winop@('%pl[xaxis="Real(t)",yaxis="Zeta(s)"]')
!call winop@('%pl[Title="Orbit plot"]')
call winop@('%pl[Title="Riemann Zeta function (s = 0.5 + i*t)"]')
iw = winio@('%pl&',1400,800,k,dble(vec),dble(real_part),dble(imaginary_part))
!iw = winio@('%pl&',800,800,k,dble(vec),dble(imaginary_part))
iw = winio@('')
Is there some extra syntax needed?
Lester |
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Joined: 18 May 2012 Posts: 709 Location: Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 8:34 pm Post subject: |
In your example, you are calling export_image@ before the terminating winio@ call. This is too soon to call export_image@ as the window containing the graphic does not yet exist.
Export_image@ needs to be called while the window containing the graphic exists and is displayed.
Look at this example, which provides three different ways to generate the .jpg file.
Code: | program lester
use clrwin
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 11
integer :: i, iw
real :: x(n), y(n)
integer :: export_cb
external:: export_cb
x = [(i-1, i=1,n)]
y = x*x
iw = winio@('%mn[Exit]&','Exit')
! iw = winio@('%mn[Export]&',export_cb) !Uncomment this line to provide a menu item to generate .jpg file
! iw = winio@('%^bt[Export]&',export_cb) !Uncomment this line to provide a button to generate .jpg file
! iw = winio@('%sc&',export_cb) !Uncomment this line to automatically create .jpg file when window is formed
iw = winio@('%fn[Consolas]%ts%bf&',2.d0)
call winop@('%pl[native,n_graphs=1,x_array,frame,etched,gridlines,width=3,link=curves,colour=blue]')
call winop@('%pl[xaxis=" x ",yaxis="x**2"]')
iw = winio@('%ff%pl&',1400,800,n,dble(x),dble(y))
iw = winio@('')
end program lester
integer function export_cb()
use clrwin
i = EXPORT_IMAGE@('plot.jpg')
export_cb = 2
end function export_cb |
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Joined: 10 Sep 2006 Posts: 105 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:51 am Post subject: |
Hi Kenneth,
Thanks for explaining the correct syntax for image export, makes it a lot easier to understand to see example code.
Lester |
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Joined: 10 Mar 2008 Posts: 2863 Location: South Pole, Antarctica
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:45 am Post subject: |
1) saving graphs into JPG and PNG would be added to Designer's mode (with revolving file numbers like with our cellphone cameras) and
2) font names, plot title and axis names were editable there too
the beginners would start learning Clearwin almost instantly and getting perfect quality plots with adding just one single line of Fortran to their existing codes Code: | i=winio@('%PL[file=settings.set, N_GRAPHS=1]', 1000, 800, n, x, y) |
Title and axis names of course can fit into one line too but this makes this approach little bit less amazing for the most common plots
Code: | i=winio@('%PL[file=settings.set, title="Ex Field",x_axis="Distance ( um )",y_axis="Ex field ( arb.un.)",N_GRAPHS=1]',1000,800,n,x,y) |
or (dble(x), dble(y) because in the above example single precision x,y were initially used but Clearwin uses double precision (not always but for this exact purpose - yes).
Then you just click on icon in left top corner and change the plot parameters to have best looking plot, no additional programming is needed
Last edited by DanRRight on Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:47 pm; edited 3 times in total |
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PaulLaidler Site Admin
Joined: 21 Feb 2005 Posts: 8011 Location: Salford, UK
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 12:28 pm Post subject: |
I find that the "Snipping Tool" is very useful.
On a modern machine you just press the Windows key with Shift+S. |
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Joined: 10 Mar 2008 Posts: 2863 Location: South Pole, Antarctica
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:04 pm Post subject: |
I use this in Windows and Linux when save stuff from the internet but for own codes the only convenient method is to use Clearwin like Ken showing above. Often used plots of the code need their own "Save Plot" button. I use this in 100 different places. This is specifically needed for creating animations out of stills because the size of frames have to be the same and you need to save plots fast. By the way Cearwin is missing animation utility very much |
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Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 2580 Location: Sydney
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 1:24 pm Post subject: |
It is not as concise as Ken's example, but this is my plot file generation code, that allows repeat menu selection
(I hope it fits in post!)
Code: | !==SCREEN_DUMP_FUNC==========================================================
module plot_info
integer :: x_size, y_size ! plot size in pixels
character*140 :: plot_desc ! plot title
character*80 :: sap_lis_file = 'result_v5-5-d10fst_hist.lis' ! data file
character*40 :: plot_prefix = 'hist_result_plot' ! dump file prefix
character*4 :: plot_ext = '.png' ! dump file type
integer function draw_legend ()
integer lx, ly
lx = 15
ly = 20
call draw_characters@ ( trim(plot_desc), lx, ly, 0 )
ly = y_size - 30
call draw_characters@ ( trim(sap_lis_file), lx, ly, 0 )
draw_legend = 2
end function draw_legend
end module plot_info
integer*4 function Screen_Dump_func ()
use plot_info
! dumps a png file from active selected region
character message*50
call Dump_png_func ( plot_prefix, plot_ext, message ) ! uses export_image@ (file_png)
write (*,*) ' Exiting Screen_Dump_func ', trim (message)
Screen_Dump_func = 2
end function Screen_Dump_func
Subroutine Dump_png_func ( prefix, ext, message )
! dumps a png file from active selected region
! use mswin
include <clearwin.ins>
character message*(*), prefix*(*), ext*4
integer*4 error_png, file_num, nx, ny
character file_png*80
data file_num / 99 /
! develop a screen dump file name
! write (*,*) ' Entering Dump_png_func; file_num =',file_num
call get_next_dump_file_name (file_num, file_png, prefix, ext)
if (file_num > 999) then
error_png = -999
! write (*,*) ' Dumping screen to ',trim (file_png) !feb18
error_png = export_image@ (file_png)
end if
call get_graphical_resolution@ ( nx, ny )
write ( *,1000) ext, trim(file_png), nx, ny, error_png
1000 format (a,' DUMP file ',a, &
' Size : ',i0,' x ',i0,' (export_image@ = ',i0,')')
if (error_png > 0) then
message = ext // ' dump to ' // file_png
else if (error_png == -999) then
message = 'Unable to open ' // file_png
message = 'Unable to use ' // file_png
end if
end subroutine Dump_png_func
subroutine get_next_dump_file_name (file_nn, file_name, prefix, ext)
! develop a screen dump file name
integer*4 file_nn
character file_name*(*), prefix*(*), ext*4
integer iostat
logical exist, opened
file_nn = file_nn + 1
if (file_nn > 999) exit
if (len_trim (prefix) > 0) then
write (file_name, '(a,i3.3,a)') trim(prefix) // '_dump', file_nn, ext
write (file_name, '(a,i3.3,a)') 'screen_dump', file_nn, ext
end if
WRITE (*,*) ' get_next_dump_file > TESTING :', TRIM( file_name )
INQUIRE (FILE=file_name, EXIST=exist, OPENED=opened, IOSTAT=iostat)
if ( .not. exist .and. .not.opened ) EXIT
if ( exist .or. opened ) CYCLE
end subroutine get_next_dump_file_name
I find .png is best for reports
I am sure it can be enhanced, but some ideas |
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