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Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 2580 Location: Sydney
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:59 pm Post subject: |
The test routine is: Code: | subroutine do_tests
real*4 tserial(2), tparallel(2)
integer(kind=7) h1,h2,h3,h4, hh(4)
integer kk, j, arg(4)
r1 = 0.295d0 ; r2 = 0.150d0 ; x1 = 0.510d0 ; x2 = 0.210d0 ; v1 = 200.d0/sqrt(3.d0) ; ns = 1200.d0
max_threads = 4
do kk = 1,2
write(6,*) ' '
write(6,11) 'Serial ', kk
call time_start
if ( kk==2 ) then
ds = 1.d-9
call search1 (1)
call search1 (2)
call search1 (3)
call search1 (4)
ds = 1.d-8
call searchX (1)
call searchx (2)
call searchx (3)
call searchx (4)
end if
call time_end
tserial = times
write(6,11) ' Serial ', kk, ' Elapsed time ', tserial
11 format (a,i2,a,2f9.5)
write(6,11) 'Parallel', kk
call time_start
if ( kk==2 ) then
h1 = start_thread@ (search1,1)
h2 = start_thread@ (search1,2)
h3 = start_thread@ (search1,3)
h4 = start_thread@ (search1,4)
h1 = start_thread@ (searchX,1)
h2 = start_thread@ (searchx,2)
h3 = start_thread@ (searchx,3)
h4 = start_thread@ (searchx,4)
end if
call wait_for_thread@ (0)
call time_end
tparallel = times
write(6,11) ' Parallel', kk, ' Elapsed time ', tparallel
write(6,12) ' x increase in speed ', tserial/tparallel
if ( kk==1 ) then
j = maxloc( tmax(1:max_threads), 1 )
write (*,*) 'max val is',tmax(j),' at s=',smax(j)
end if
! Test of calling start_thread@ in a DO loop
! hh(j) = start_thread@ (search1,j) failed, as j is changing its value
! while arg(j) appears to transfer correct address
write(6,11) 'Test arg', kk
call time_start
if ( kk==2 ) then
do j = 1,max_threads
arg(j) = j
hh(j) = start_thread@ (search1,arg(j))
end do
do j = 1,max_threads
arg(j) = j
hh(j) = start_thread@ (searchx,arg(j))
end do
end if
call wait_for_thread@ (0)
call time_end
tparallel = times
write(6,11) ' Test arg', kk, ' Elapsed time ', tparallel
write(6,12) ' x increase in speed ', tserial/tparallel
if ( kk==1 ) then
j = maxloc( tmax(1:max_threads), 1 )
write (*,*) 'max val is',tmax(j),' at s=',smax(j)
end if
12 format (a,2f9.5)
end do
end subroutine do_tests
end module data_mod
program main1
use data_mod
write (*,*) '[Ken_thread2b.f90 ]'
call do_tests
end |
I ran it on my pc that supports 4 threads. |
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PaulLaidler Site Admin
Joined: 21 Feb 2005 Posts: 8011 Location: Salford, UK
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 4:35 pm Post subject: |
Ken's original code raises two further issues.
1) The code fragment
Code: | call lock@(ithread)
ds_loc = ds
call unlock@(ithread) |
appears in two places where the actual value of ithread is different. This is probably not what is intended. In working code (rather than this cut-down demo) the variable ds would be shared and needing read/write protection. In which case the locking ID would need to be the same in both instances.
2) The other issue is for us to sort out. The use of start_thread@ in a 64 bit environment raises the question: what makes a call "thread safe" for 64 bits? We need to look into this and (at least) provide some documentation that explains what kind of call is considered to be safe. |
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PaulLaidler Site Admin
Joined: 21 Feb 2005 Posts: 8011 Location: Salford, UK
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 8:49 pm Post subject: |
Some of the results in this Forum thread are erroneous. If correct results are 60% slower then that will be a particular case. In general my experience is that 64 bit results are usually on a par with 32 bit results (for speed).
The real motivation for moving to 64 bits is the increase in address space.
start_thread@ is for Win32 and x64 and not .NET.
Yes, multi-threading can be tricky. |
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Joined: 18 May 2012 Posts: 709 Location: Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:53 pm Post subject: |
Paul, John,
Thanks to you both for comments and detective work.
I can see how to make this work now.
Ken |
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Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 2580 Location: Sydney
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:27 am Post subject: |
Based on the examples I have posted, there does not appear to be significant performance problems with 64-bit multi-threading.
I have used two of Ken's examples, I called ;
Search1 : simple loop count, where 64-bit is faster
SearchX : loop of COMPLEX calculation, where 64-bit is slower.
I have not identified the problem, but I suspect it is the use of cmplx (x,y,kind=dp) or COMPLEX i_loc in the following:
i_loc = v1/cmplx((r1+r2/s_loc),(x1+x2),kind=dp)
t_loc = (k_loc)*((abs(i_loc)**2)*(r2/s_loc))
I rarely use complex type variables, so am not familiar with this type of problem.
My "Test arg" example posted above is an interesting example of multi-threading, as for my first try below with j as the arg value, this fails as the variable "j" changes through the loop and so changes in each of the initiated threads. This is because the same address of the variable j is transferred to each thread:
do j = 1,max_threads
hh(j) = start_thread@ (searchx,j)
end do
By changing to arg(j), a unique address for arg(j) is transferred to each thread and so it appears to work ok
do j = 1,max_threads
arg(j) = j
hh(j) = start_thread@ (searchx,arg(j))
end do
Further tests need to be done for varying max_threads to identify the multi-thread efficiency and overheads. My pc's support up to 4 or 8 threads. ( It has been a long time since I used a pc that supported only 2 threads. )
John |
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Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 2580 Location: Sydney
Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:39 am Post subject: |
Thanks to Ken for providing an example of using multi-threading.
I have taken this and produced a program that tests multi-threading and demonstrates:
# how to vary the number of threads and call in a DO loop
# DO loop approach allows for variable number of threads.
# use the same thread-safe routine for multiple threads, using local private variables and shared variables in a module.
# how to transfer a unique argument to each thread call.
# how to share work between threads to improve performance
The attached example works for both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.
I hope it could be helpful for others to create useful solutions.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5u4ojctkshhq87z/ken_thread_test4.zip?dl=0 |
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PaulLaidler Site Admin
Joined: 21 Feb 2005 Posts: 8011 Location: Salford, UK
Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 2:57 pm Post subject: |
The failure of 64 bit CLOCK@ (and DCLOCK@) has now been fixed for the next release of clearwin64.dll. |
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Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 2580 Location: Sydney
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:27 am Post subject: |
Have you made any progress with the threading ?
It would be good to be able to use a DO loop to manage the number of available threads.
We could have a DO for the threads available or tasks to perform and then associate the thread number with each task.
I am having a bit of a problem managing the private do index for each thread.
Interested to hear how you proceeded.
John |
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Joined: 18 May 2012 Posts: 709 Location: Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:22 am Post subject: |
Afraid this got put on the back burner last year when I was involved in some work for an arbitration - which consumed all my time. Thereafter I decided it was time for a change in the direction of my career, so I gave up work at the end of 2018. Now have my own one man business up and running and I am presently focusing on new clients - with some success , but not yet found the time to come back to this, although I do have a long list of "what happens if" scenarios I need to test. I will get back to this - once the business clears the Director's Loan and pays me a dividend (July hopefully).
Ken |
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Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 2580 Location: Sydney
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:40 am Post subject: |
Paul, Ken and others,
I have posted a multi-thread example using !$OMP in http://forums.silverfrost.com/viewtopic.php?t=4297&start=15
I am wondering how well this may be reproduced in the FTN95 parallel processing approach.
The basic !$OMP PARALLEL DO loop approach is a minimal approach for doing parallel processing. The code example is: Code: | call omp_set_num_threads (4)
!$OMP& SHARED ( block_array_records, max_blocks ) &
!$OMP& PRIVATE ( i ) &
do i = 1, max_blocks
if ( block_array_records(i)%block_size <= 0 ) cycle
call process_block ( i, block_array_records(i)%block_size, block_array_records(i)%block )
end do ! i
In this approach, a DO loop is processed using multiple threads.
�i� : the DO loop index, is a special private variable, unique to each thread/process, so that I, the DO index, has a different memory address for each thread/process. I have struggled with this in my FTN95 testing.
�Max_blocks� defines the loop count, so a variable defines the number of thread events to be processed, while �call omp_set_num_threads (4)� defines the number of threads that process these events.
To package each event, the task is processed through �call process_block�
An important distinction in OpenMP is between SHARED and PRIVATE variables. This could be managed in FTN95 and OpenMP via call process_block by having all shared variables/arrays as arguments to the routine, while all private variables/arrays are declared as local in the called routine (except for Private "i"). Can FTN95 allow a general routine like process_block, with flexibility in the arguments.
Returned values can be either in the shared arrays or as a shared accumulator. !$OMP& REDUCTION(+ : n_dot) accumulation could be emulated via an argumrent array n_dot(Max_blocks) to return values and sum after the end of the loop.
The argument "block_array_records(i)%block_size" provides a unique address to the routine, using "i".
While processing, we need to know both the loop counter �I� and the thread id �id = omp_get_thread_num ()�
The allocation of threads to each loop itteration is via loop "!$OMP& SCHEDULE (DYNAMIC)" in this the next itteration "i" is allocated to the next available thread, when they become available. SCHEDULE (STATIC) is an alternative where each loop itteration "i" has a pre-defined thread "id". These two alternative thread allocation cases would be necessary for load management between threads.
Are you able to comment on how some of these approaches are available or may be available in multi-core processors with 64 bit FTN95. |
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PaulLaidler Site Admin
Joined: 21 Feb 2005 Posts: 8011 Location: Salford, UK
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:08 pm Post subject: |
Sorry but my knowledge of this subject is very limited. |
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Joined: 18 May 2012 Posts: 709 Location: Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:57 am Post subject: |
John, this is a variation on one of the examples for the parallel processing approach. Unlike Gfortran, with FTN95 you cannot simply define a section of code to be executed in parallel. So all serial code prior to the parallel section must be within the IF( .not. IsSlaveProcess@()) THEN ...... END IF block.
It took me ages to get this example to work this way, and then I went off to do something else and never came back to it.
Code: | program main
implicit none
INCLUDE <windows.ins>
DOUBLE PRECISION start_time,end_time,sum
double precision duration, sum1
DOUBLE PRECISION,allocatable::partial_answer(:)
INTEGER(kind=4) ID
INTEGER(kind=4) k
integer(kind=4) :: np=4, i, j
!>> TEST TO FIND MAIN PROCESS. Note if IF/ENDIF is commented out, the subroutine is called NP times
IF( .not. IsSlaveProcess@()) THEN
call set_parameters(np)
!>> Start np-1 additional tasks. ID will be returned thus:
!>> Master task ID=0
!>> Slave task ID=1,2,3 in the different processes
ID=GetParallelTaskID@(np-1) !##
IF(ID .eq. 0) print*, 'Number of processors', np
!>> Allocate a shared array. The string "AUTO" couples the ALLOCATE with the parallel task mechanism
CALL TaskSynchronise@()
!>> Time the task using wall clock elapsed time
CALL dclock@(start_time)
!>> All np processes compute the sum in an interleaved fashion
k = 10000000000_4 - ID
WHILE(k > 0)DO
sum = sum + k
k = k - np
!>> Copy the partial sum into the array shared between the processes
CALL TaskSynchronise@()
CALL dclock@(end_time)
!>> We are the master task, so print out the results and the timing
sum1 = 0.d0
do i = 1, np
sum1 = sum1 + partial_answer(i)
end do
PRINT *,"Sum=",sum1
PRINT *,"Parallel computation time = ",duration
CALL TaskSynchronise@()
!>> Kill off the slave process
IF(ID .ne. 0) STOP
subroutine set_parameters(np)
implicit none
integer(kind=4), intent(out) :: np
10 write(6,*)
write(6,*) 'Enter number of processors to use'
read(5,*) np
if (np .lt. 1) goto 10
end set_parameters |
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Joined: 12 Oct 2016 Posts: 162
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:18 am Post subject: |
I was wondering if there has been any progress in this? Has anyone used parallelisation successfully in ftn95? |
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Joined: 10 Mar 2008 Posts: 2863 Location: South Pole, Antarctica
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:23 am Post subject: |
Was this fixed for /64 ? |
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PaulLaidler Site Admin
Joined: 21 Feb 2005 Posts: 8011 Location: Salford, UK
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:45 am Post subject: |
As far as I know there are no outstanding issues on this subject (no bugs that need fixing). |
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